Promoting water security through inclusive transboundary and conjunctive management and development of water resources
2 – 4 October 2023
Maputo, Mozambique -
Promover a segurança da água através da gestão transfronteiriça e conjuntiva inclusiva e do desenvolvimento dos recursos hídricos.
2 - 4 de outubro de 2023
Maputo, Mozambique -
Promouvoir la sécurité de l'eau par la gestion et le développement transfrontaliers et conjonctifs des ressources en eau
2 – 4 Octobre 2023
Maputo, Mozambique
The 10th SADC RBOs/SWIs Workshop is scheduled for 2-4 October 2023, and will be held in Maputo. The Workshop will be convened under the auspices of the Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM) in collaboration with the SADC Water Division, and the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA).