LIMCOM Regional Coordinator, Dr. Eddie Riddell speaks on the 1st Limpopo Joint Basin Survey
Dr. Riddell said the 1st Limpopo Joint Basin Survey provides a foundation for developing a comprehensive and updated Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) plan for the basin.
The 1st Limpopo Joint Basin Survey (JBS) is a clear demonstration by the four Riparian States — Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe – to foster closer cooperation in transboundary water management, particularly in water quality, river health and ecological flow requirements.
LIMCOM Regional Coordinator, Dr. Eddie Riddell said the survey provides a foundation for developing a comprehensive and updated Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) plan for the basin.
Furthermore, it paves the way for the establishment of a transboundary river health monitoring team in the Limpopo River Basin.
You can listen to the interview here.